domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010



The Arvi Park is a natural heritage, situate in eastein. Holy district of an open park, developed in more than 1.700 hectares. Its purpose is to protect the natural and cutural resources.

what I'm talking the guide

  • ROAD
    Encizo down this path, medellin to the mall sandiegohistory of silleteros is marked by these pathways through which they traveled, before they traveled Spanish. when they arrived they began to exploit the salt and gold mines. studying the history of the Indians who inhabited this territory were the Tadami. the builders believe that these territories were very great civilizations that lived 1000, 2000, 3000 years ago.

  • The impact that the park because the city is nice and fun, through this we can learn much more, is a great prgreso for the city.

  • The arvi park is an interesting. it has amny animals and plants.

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